ISAR Database record structure
This is the structure used for the Rodden-ISAR Database
Mark Pottenger
(last revised 7/31/87)

512 byte records (including any needed CR/LF or other end markers)
1   Name               30
    Last, First for people
    Alphabetizing order for other things
31  Place              30
61  Calendar Code       1
    B Buddhist
    C Chinese
    G Gregorian (g if converted from other)
    H Hebrew
    I Indian
    J Julian
    M Moslem
    N Japanese(Nipponese)
62  ID for cross-references within database uses next 6 fields:
62  Year                5  (- astronomical dates used instead of BC)
67  Month               2
69  Day                 2
71  Hour                2
73  Minute              2
75  Second              2
     or Duplicate ID Overflow (A, B, C, etc.)
77  Zone                6
    Format:  -##:##  (+/- hours & minutes)  West positive, East negative.
83  Time Type           1
    Codes:  0=standard, 1=daylight, 2=war, 3=local mean, 4=double summer,
            5=sundial, 6=Sidereal Time, 7=MC, 8=ASC, 9=Sunrise, A=Sunset,
            B=Solar (Sun on 1st house cusp), C=Ephemeris Time, D=Noon
      For codes 0-5, recorded time is of type specified.
      For codes 6-D, recorded time is standard, but original data was of type.
84  Zone & Type Source  1  (encode as a-p)
      1 = Birth certificate, 2 = Hospital records, 3 = Mother's memory,
      4 = Father's memory, 5 = Other relative's memory, 6 = Personal memory,
      7 = Home records (baby book, bible, etc.), 8 = Other contemporary source,
      9 = Biography, 10 = Other published, 11 = Rectified, 12 = Psychic/Intuition,
      13 = Published Horoscope, 14 = Other, 15 = Unknown, 16 = looked up later
85  Latitude            5
    Format:  ##D##  (degrees direction minutes)
             I for direction if invalid (not entered)
90  Longitude           6
    Format:  ###D## (same as lat)
96  Rodden Rating       2
    Codes:  AA, A, B, C, DD
      AA birth certificate or other written source
      A  from person
      B  Biography or autobiography
      C  Caution
      DD Dirty Data
    or  Source of birth data:  (encode as a-o)
      1 = Birth certificate, 2 = Hospital records, 3 = Mother's memory,
      4 = Father's memory, 5 = Other relative's memory, 6 = Personal memory,
      7 = Home records (baby book, bible, etc.), 8 = Other contemporary source,
      9 = Biography, 10 = Other published, 11 = Rectified, 12 = Psychic/Intuition,
      13 = Published Horoscope, 14 = Other, 15 = Unknown
     +  Accuracy of birth time:  (enclode as a-i)
      1 = One minute/recorded/clock, 2 = Five minutes, 3 = Fifteen minutes,
      4 = Half hour, 5 = One hour, 6 = Two hours, 7 = Six hours, 8 = Twelve hours,
      9 = No records available
98  Gender              1
    F Female, M Male, N None, O Other, U Unknown
99  Publication         1
    P Published, U Unpublished
100 Confidentiality     1
    P Public figure, C Category, N Name not to be released
101 Reserved space     (1 byte for later use)
102 Source/Collection   3
    Initials for whose collection data is from.
105 Collection type     2
    1 = General/nonspecific, 2 = Specific Health Problem, 3 = Profession/Vocation,
    4 = Mundane/geography, 5 = Mundane/finance, 6 = Mundane/disaster,
    7 = Mundane/other, 8 = Horse, 9 = Dog, 10 = Cat, 11 = Other animal, ??
107 Entry Date          6 (MMDDYY)
113 Last Update Date    6 (MMDDYY)
119 Entry Verified      1 (Y/N)
120 Update Verified     1 (Y/N)
121 Category Count      2
    Category postings start at byte 129 in record.
    Category notes start at byte 129 + (Category Count * 7) + (Relations Count * 20) in record.
123 Relations Count     2
    Relation postings start at byte 129 + (Category Count * 7) in record.
125 Notes start         3
    Byte position within record where text notes start.
128 Carriage return (ASCII 13)

    This is the end of the fixed section:  128 bytes.
    All remaining entries are variable in number or length or both.

129 Categories          7 each
    Codes:  first 6 characters:  Rodden codes (1-200R, 2-110R, 3-100, etc.)
    Alternate:  anyone else's coding system, with a last character to say whose.
    7th character:  flag "(" for presense of parenthetical note later.
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
    Relations        5+15 each
      Codes:  5 characters = Rodden codes ([4-x] plus any needed extensions)
             15 characters = ID (described above) for other person
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
    Category Notes   (variable, 20 characters maximum inside parentheses)
      One entry in parentheses for each flagged category earlier,
      in same order.  Recognize entry by "(" & ")".
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
    Alternate birth data for dirty data (any item present uses same format as
      main section at beginning of record, followed by source in parentheses).
    Original form of standardized birth data is also recorded here.
        *S followed by full description of source of main data give names of subsidiary collections here
        *D followed by date (source) date starts with calendar code as above
        *T followed by time (source)
        *P followed by latitude & longitude (source)
        *Z followed by time zone (source)
        *Y followed by time type (source)
        *L followed by reference to Literature (places published)
Carriage return (ASCII 13)
    Notes            (variable:  remaining bytes in record)
512 Carriage Return (ASCII 13).

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