
Maritha Pottenger

We offer another quiz for those readers wishing to test their grasp of astrological principles.

1. A client calls to say that her husband is dieting severely and becoming gaunt—almost anorexic. He refuses to see a doctor and believes he is doing the right thing. She is concerned and wants to talk to you. What sorts of configurations do you hypothesize might appear in his chart? What might her chart look like?

2. The above client turns out to have an Aries stellium in the 5th house, including Mars conjunct Venus. Her husband has an Aries stellium in the 8th house and also has Mars conjunct Venus. What sorts of issues do you feel will need to be discussed? (Cover particularly strengths and weaknesses of these configurations; alternative channels of expression for him besides dieting; possible pitfalls for each of them; constructive suggestions.)

3. When calculating secondary progressions, most people (or computers) set up—in effect—a new chart for the progressed positions which is based on the “derived date and time” (number of days after birth that the person is years old). Yet, the most common method of progressing the angles moves the Midheaven the distance the progressed Sun has moved, and then figures the rest of the angles for the latitude involved, based on that progressed Midheaven. We can, however, calculate a Midheaven for the derived date and time. What is that Midheaven called and why is the “solar arc” Midheaven used more commonly?

4. A client who is an intense animal lover calls you because she is finally ready to replace her last dog. She was extremely distraught at her pet’s death and wants to optimize her chances this time around. She will be purchasing a pedigreed animal and wants you to check some horoscopes to seek the following qualities: good health, some independence (because your client’s work involves some traveling when she couldn’t take the dog), intelligence and the potential of a warm connection to her. You warn her that all you can consider is the POTENTIALS, but you’re willing to try. What would you look for?

5. A woman makes an appointment to see you, telling you on the phone that she is in therapy because she is a pathological “saver”—almost unable to throw anything away. What do you suspect will appear in her chart? What options can you suggest to her?

Copyright © 1988 Los Angeles Community Church of Religious Science, Inc.

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