Dodona Update
Zip Dobyns
The Mutable Dilemma has been reincarnated in this larger size for several reasons. The full page horoscopes are much easier on the eyes. The cost for printing is surprisingly reduced, even when the content remains the same. Printing and stapling the color cover not only costs more but it takes an extra week or more and it requires the printing of more copies than we need in order to keep the price down. Then we have the problem of space to store the extra copies. As the cost of printing and paper have continued to rise in recent years, CCRS has been subsidizing the publications. Rather than ask for an increased donation for the publications, we decided to change the Mutable Dilemma format to come closer to breaking even on the costs of printing and postage.
Dodona continues to provide a little bit of heaven. Maritha and I did our part of a video teaching astrology in Hawaii in January. It is being completed by a multi-media company there and may be ready for distribution by this coming fall. February was a busy month. We had a 3-day astrology seminar which focused especially on using the horoscope as a key to gaining and maintaining health. The CCRS annual board meeting was also held in February. Our numbers are growing, with a new minister ordained in December and another scheduled for late March. I also had a delightful visit in February with a friend and subscriber who lives on the east coast.
I will be lecturing for an astrology group in Louisville, KY on the weekend of March 22-24. Then I'm giving a lecture on reincarnation and astrology at the New Age Bible Center on Lincoln Blvd. in Santa Monica, CA on Palm Sunday, and attending the annual Council Grove Conference in KS the week after Easter. I'll be at our L.A. address for most of the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. ISAR is offering a conference on the use of computers in astrology in early July in Chicago. Write to me at Dodona for a flyer if you can make it. It looks like a great conference including lots of information and fun.
After drought conditions at the beginning of this year, we have been inching toward normal rainfall which averages only about 10 inches a year. The hills are green again though some sizable areas are still blackened from the fire in January. It rained gently all of last night, and I heard the frogs in the stream for the first time. They hatch when enough rain falls and survive long enough to lay eggs for the following year's crop. The migrating birds are also back, singing to mark their territory. Fruit trees are in bloom in the lower areas and nearer the coast, but our 1500 foot elevation delays ours. Only the almond tree which is in a more sheltered place has been in bloom for weeks.
We send love to our growing "family" and hope that all of you can increasingly experience the blissful potential of the Infinite.