That Elusive Stock Market

Zip Dobyns

Not another chart for the stock market!?! After three plus years of hoping that the noon chart for the New York market was accurate, a friend in New York talked at length with the archivist at the “Big Board” and was told emphatically that there was no record specifying noon until a reorganization in 1817. Then at the ISAR Christmas party, Mark Penfield said that he was told by an archivist that the original meeting on May 17, 1792 was held “shortly before lunch.” !?! If true, why didn’t the current archivist know? Regardless, I did more exploring, looking for angles in the hour from 11 A.M. to noon, and came up with a possible time of 11:36 local apparent time (11:27:51 EST). Consider it speculative, but this time does have appropriate angle aspects for nine dates of panics when the market dropped precipitously. The panics range from 1837 to 1987. I do not yet have a specific date for the crash in 1818, but for the rest, I have checked both secondary progressed angles and quotidian angles. Quotidians move approximately one degree a day, making the complete circuit of the wheel in a year. It is interesting that the quotidian MC and Ascendant for the first dated panic on March 17, 1837 are the same as for “Black Monday” on October 19, 1987. QM is conjunct natal Venus and QA is conjunct natal Uranus, if this time is right. The chart is included for the readers who are interested in the financial climate, and should be considered highly speculative until we have done much more testing.

[Note: chart run for slightly different longitude in NY causes change to standard time.]

In the meantime, my article in this issue about a psychic memory has some predictions about the future movements of the stock market. And I have more material from Arch (Sam) Crawford who has made some really accurate predictions including calling the August top within one day. A friend in New York sent me his newsletters dated November 21 and December 21, 1987. In the first, the gist was an intermediate buy signal for a year-end rally which might extend into early January. After that, he expected the crash to continue. The potential high suggested is 2200 to 2250 points on the DJIA. (I assume that anyone reading this has read my economic overview and does not need translations of initials). Crawford also expects the real estate market to slant down increasingly. In his December newsletter, Arch was much more negative, with a headline “Don’t wait—get out now!” He described the astrological factors as similar to the fall aspects and anticipated a DJIA drop to the area of 1264 before the slide stopped. He called late February or early March as one low point, looking at the entry of Saturn-Uranus-Mars into Capricorn. One more item on Crawford’s predictions comes from an interview printed in the National Enquirer. A friend sent me a photo-copy but there is no date on it. Arch is quoted as predicting a rally into mid-January 1988, a big drop for a few weeks, another strong rally in March, and then a steady down trend into November 1989 when the DJIA is to hit 440! As usual, I will wait and see.

Of course, I looked at future progressions in my “new” chart for the original N.Y. stock market but didn’t get any clear feeling about the early months of 1988. The progressed (P) Moon squares Mars from late February into April 1988, but aspects to fire planets, even squares, often are associated with confidence and a rising market. Then during the spring and summer, P Moon has mostly harmonious aspects to natal Moon, Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter with semisextiles to the tentative MC and Mercury. Of course, that means the Moon is setting off the Mercury-Uranus-Pluto exact T-square, so the results could go either way. All we can be sure of is that the period is emphatic and we didn’t need astrology to know that. In the fall, the P Moon will conjunct Juno (which is very Plutonian) and sextile Saturn. That also could be constructive, but since the natal Moon is conjunct Saturn, it also could bring the nature of a conjunction which is typically experienced as anxiety-producing. Since the natal mean nodes of the Moon are at 0 Aries-Libra, the Saturn-Uranus-Mars conjunctions in 29 Sagittarius and 0 Capricorn will square them, and the nodes are in the money houses—2-8. The three Saturn-Uranus conjunctions are February, June, and October, and if transits mean anything, those months should be important for both the market and the FED.

I also looked again at the chart for the modern form of the DJIA with 30 stocks. Trading began in New York with this index of 30 at 10 A.M. on October 1, 1928. The chart has some dramatic patterns for October 19, 1987, Black Monday with its 508 point drop. The issue of faith is highlighted. P Sun in Sagittarius had just reached a sextile to natal Sun and was quincunx natal Moon and P Chiron (similar to Jupiter) to form a yod for a new path ahead. In the natal chart, the Moon was closely conjunct both Jupiter and Chiron in Taurus. The faith in money was challenged. That yod stays in orb for some years, with the P Sun reaching the quincunx to Jupiter in April 1988. Another yod is forming with P MC sextile natal MC and both quincunx P Vesta. Vesta also squares the Vertex axis across the 2-8 houses of money. P Mercury starts a quincunx to Mars in the eighth house in October 1988. Natal Mars is 29 Gemini, so the Saturn-Uranus conjunctions oppose it. At the same time in the fall of 1988, P Moon reaches an octile to the natal MC and a trioctile to P Sun which will square the MC. There are many more aspects, including some fascinating asteroids, but until I know more, I will still wait and see.

Copyright © 1987 Los Angeles Community Church of Religious Science, Inc.

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